Only. Four. More. Sleeps. 'til Don Draper & the gang at Sterling Cooper return for season 3 of "Mad Men." Sunday, August 16 at 10pm!
In the meantime, if you haven't already -- time for you to 'Mad Men Yourself'.
(photo: AMCtv.com)
Named after a favourite song ('Lose That Girl') by one of my favourite bands (Saint Etienne), this blog serves as my online pop culture playground.
In the world of pop culture, if I love something, I'll rate it, and if I hate it...well, you will know that too! Lose That Girl - the rate it, hate it blog!
1 comment:
I have MadMen'ed several versions of myself, and will blame this for remaining unemployed. I also MadMen'ed my Dad. You should post a gallery of your readers' submissions! ;)
Meanwhile, to help pass the next 4 sleeps, here's a great Vanity Fair article: www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2009/09/mad-men200909
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