Tuesday, September 30, 2008
RATE IT! Dimi Does It

Result! Manchester United handily defeated Denmark's Aalborg 3-0 in the Champions League today. Cue many a United fan worldwide celebrating - oh yes! Don't hate us because our team is incredible! Facts, are facts.
Stellar performances by Brazilian teen phenom, Rafael -- he of the excessively curly locks, and break-neck speed. The kid's only 18! The boy (geez, I sound like Sir Alex now) was so impressive until a knock to his knee had him stretchered off the pitch. Save some applause for new recruit, the 32 million pound man, Dimitar Berbatov. Dimi scored not one, but two - his first two goals for United. Hopefully the critics will now shut up! Us believers knew all along he'd be an ace.
Way to go, Dimi!
(photo: Berbatov.net)
Manchester United,
RATE IT! DQ Ice Cream Bank

Time to tighten our belts, and save our pennies, people. Every bit of change helps! And here's a bank that will put a smile on your face -- and not a single pound on your hips!
The Dairy Queen ice cream coin bank. Save up for your favourite Blizzard treat, or five. If the markets stay depressed, we'll crave several icy cream treats to keep us numb and oblivious to the disaster of a tail-spin swirling around us.
Blizzard Joy,
Yum That Was Good
RATE IT! Gossip Boys Get Covered

Time for the males from 'Gossip Girl' to play cover stars...the November issue of 'Details' features the intense, indigo-dressed trio of Penn Badgely, Chace Crawford and Ed Westwick.
Looks like the stylist has been a little heavy-handed with the hair gel, and Chace just looks odd -- like creepy stalker odd.
No wonder 'Vanessa' doesn't want him!
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! The Day After the Gossip-Filled Night Before

MINOR SPOILERS ahead!...don't continue if you've got a weak spoiler constitution...
Great, you're still here! Well, last night's 'Serena Also Rises' episode was a real kicker. I though the highlight was bound to be the scene between Chuck & Dan that I posted days ago, but wait...there was MORE! Chuck & Dan in jail. Finally! And Chuck's slammer spewed secret! Who knew? And was he *really* telling the truth? Hmmm.
I have to hand it to Leighton Meester for acting her designer socks off as the overbearing teenage bitch from hell, screeching in that 'only dogs can decipher' audio range - so good, so real, feeling the teen fury! I could go on, but I have to prep for the Manchester United Champions League tilt...so I'll leave the extremely detailed analysis for NY Mag's Daily Intel. Honestly, their review is spot on, and hilarious to boot.
(Little J photo: The CW)
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! Debbie Downer

Portrayed to perfection by Rachel Dratch, Debbie is that friend that you just can't shake...the one that always views the world's glass as half-empty, and has a bad word for...well, everyone and everything! To cap it off, the use of the wah wah wah WAH.... sound effect hits this one out of the proverbial ballpark. Unfortunately, Debbie was only trotted out on seven occasions - not enough by far.
In these tough economic times, we could use Debbie Downer more than ever. A sketch so gut-ripping hilarious, even the cast members and guest host, Lindsay Lohan, are cracking up. To relive the magic of Debbie's first ever appearance, please click here to visit the snark-fest that is List of the Day. You deserve a laugh and you'll definitely get it here.
Click and Enjoy,
Saturday Night Live
RATE IT! United in Champions League Action

United are missing Owen Hargreaves and Gary Neville but with such a strong squad, they'll be more than fine.
(Don't call this afternoon -- you'll only go to voicemail!).
(photo: Getty Images)
Gary Neville,
Manchester United,
Owen Hargreaves,
Monday, September 29, 2008
HATE IT! Punk'd! Iggy Croc a Block!

The trail-blazing rocker was spotted strolling in France wearing of all things....Crocs!
Typically, the rubber clodhoppers are worn by a) doctors & nurses, b) toddlers, or c) adults who have lost the will to live.
Perhaps Iggy felt that going for a jaunt with a busty looker would divert the public's attention away from his depressing footwear. And yep...the one shoe *does* have a platform heel. Ig's got one leg shorter than the other -- so not only did he drop to fashion depths to wear Crocs in the first place, but he had them specially fabricated for his personal specifications.
Looks like someone is feeling their age - finally.
(original story: dailymail.co.uk; photo: bigpicturesphoto.com)

Friendly reminder...the DVD for "Iron Man" starring the better than ever, Robert Downey Jr., is released tomorrow...
Only one sleep to go!! Yeee!!!!!
RATE IT! Rushdie & Bass

Can't blame 'Gossip Girl' for trying to improve academically - the hit reportedly is now going after guest stars that aren't just pretty & rich, but educated & rich too!
Apparently, newly Knighted British author, Salman Rushdie, just turned down a guest role on the Monday night must-see.
Can you imagine? Rushdie and Chuck Bass? Schmoozing over brandys in the Bass library, or maybe Chuck would take his new friend to Victrola... too bad it won't come to pass.
(photos: "Chuck" - CW, Mr. Rushdie - John Stillwell/AP)
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! Owen Hargreaves Cover Boy - Pt. 2

Regular readers of my site know that we're an Owen Hargreaves friendly blog -- we don't have time for those misguided know-it-alls who like to have a go about Owen leaving Canada to play elsewhere. Any intelligent person realizes, you go where there's opportunity to prosper.
It's fitting that this Canadian publication addresses some of that banter in their interview with the Manchester United mid-fielder. Owen's life in Canada before he packed up and moved to Germany as a teen to join Bayern Munich's roster is not that well documented. For us fans, it's great to see the Calgary connection explored a little further -- granted a little *more* depth would have been even better! Ah, at least it's a start!
Manchester United,
Owen Hargreaves,
Saturday, September 27, 2008
RATE IT! Saturday Night Live Goes Mad

"Mad Men" leading man, Jon Hamm, takes the stage as Saturday Night Live's guest host Saturday, October 25.
Can't wait to see the actor in a more playful environment - any chance that there will be a skit about all the cigarette smoking that goes on in "Mad Men"?
Musical guest will be Coldplay. The bookers really did a good job with this bill!
(photo: Gus Ruelas/AP Photo)
Saturday Night Live,
Friday, September 26, 2008
RATE IT! Owen Hargreaves Cover Boy

Yes, my United obsession is in full gear, so I'm already setting the stage for tomorrow's showdown between Manchester United and Bolton. I bet Berbatov (if he plays) will score his first for the team. I have faith.
And Owen Hargreaves is the cover star of United's match program. But of course, when *I* go to see a match live & in person, I'll get Nani on the cover (probably). About time Owen was front and centre.
Owen's Dad played with Bolton's youth team hence the 'local hero' angle to their article. Finally, he's being regarded as one of their own - a Brit*- took long enough!
*Owen has dual citizenship - Canadian by birth, British via his Father.
And for another cover shot of Owen, click here.
Manchester United,
Owen Hargreaves,
RATE IT! New Season, New Race

The 13th season promises more vomit-inducing eating challenges, dodgy local cabbies and a host far more appealing than that Survivor guy, Phil Keoghan. Phil could whoop Jeff Probst's ass any day.
Tune in if only to realize that you have no such courage to race around the globe in 23 days without proper sleep, hygiene, or meals. Climbing skyscraper walls, looking for clues in haystacks and eating ostrich eggs -- all par for the course. You'll never be more fond of your couch or last night's leftovers!
For an early look at where these brave folk will be traveling, click on the just released tour map here.
RATE IT! Gossip Girl Sneak Peek - Episode 5
Yeah, yeah...it's Friday and the world is a happy, giddy place with the weekend just a mere few hours away. But Monday will soon be here and to soften that blow in advance, I have unearthed a preview for that evening's episode of 'Gossip Girl' -- The Serena Also Rises...
And in true Lose That Girl fashion, my clip features Chuck! He gets all the best lines ("I don't think of you...") and clothes...even Dan realizes as he digs for a night out with the Motherchucker. Watch, learn...enjoy!
Gossip Girl,
HATE IT! Pushing Daisies

New episodes of 'Pushing Daisies' will be broadcast next Tuesday. The strike-shortened season last Spring caused this program to have its remaining new eps shelved to..well, now.
Did you miss it?
I didn't.
Sure, the premise of this show is cute...very Tim Burton, but after a few viewings, it's all a bit one-note, isn't it? You've seen one episode, you've seen 'em all.
Final verdict: Don't count on this series being alive for long.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
RATE IT! 2009 Looking Good!

The world's best soccer player, Manchester United's Cristiano Ronaldo, has unveiled his new official 2009 wall calendar.
Cris scored the most goals in the English Premier League last season, and won a bucket load of awards for himself, as well as the team last season. He doesn't have to remove his clothes to get attention...really!
Erm...yeah, David Beckham is *so* 2004!
Cristiano Ronaldo,
Manchester United,
RATE IT! You've Come a Long Way Baby...

Leighton Meester, Blair from 'Gossip Girl' lets us in on a secret...she was born behind bars. The latest issue, on newsstands today, explores her family's troubled history and how they survived to become the successes that they are today. Wahey! Don't we all love a happy ending?! And she didn't even have to lie about it.
Good for Leighton to dish about her past now before E! Hollywood's True Story catches wind of it. A true gossip girl knows that controlling the message is the only way to go.
Gossip Girl,
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
HATE IT! Drew's New Boy Toy

Drew Barrymore. She's cute, lovely in a I could hang out with her kind of way...and I really don't care who she snogs - UNTIL NOW...
Drew was spotted devouring the face of Ed Westwick in NYC earlier this week -- that's Gossip Girl's Chuck Bass to us -- and it's just so very very wrong. Ed - be very wary. Remember, Drew married that English bartender guy for a day or 12 hours or something. Plus, she also married sicko comedian Tom Green. Her track record is scary.
Separately, these two are fantastic. I have no major problems with Drew whatsoever. And you know how I regard Ed - but together, ew! Sorry, no can do. Wrong, very very wrong. (photos: Drew -- AP Photo; Ed -- Getty Images)
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! London Conversations - Saint Etienne

Mark October 13 on your calendars! A new compilation of UK pop music stylists, Saint Etienne, takes flight that day.
There have been several anthologies for my favourite band but this one is chock full of value -- it has two CDs, plus a DVD. The release is in the UK only so check out Amazon.co.uk or other British cd sellers for this musical must have.
UPDATE - October 8: the release has been delayed. Stay tuned for a new date.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
RATE IT! SATC Movie DVD Release

The movie comes out upon word that there might be a sequel in the works. At Sunday night's Emmy Awards, Cynthia Nixon was quoted as saying as long as the script was as classy and fun as the first, she'd definitely be in for a sequel. Result!
RATE IT! The Puppet Master Strikes!

More than halfway through 'The Ex-Files', episode four of 'Gossip Girl' Monday evening, I was complaining that we weren't privy to enough Chuck. Blair, Serena, Dan...even the lesser girl posse characters who clomp after Blair (and we can't remember their names), were all up to various tricks and back-stabbings...but not dear Chuck. Hey, if little J or Eric disappear, it's not much of a loss...but Chuck? A nation mourns.
But clearly I spoke too soon. Did you watch? If you did, you know what I mean! Chuck, the puppet master, was in control *all along*. Even Blair didn't figure it out...and even if she did, it was far too late! They say a new Queen is in town - truth be told, the King never left! (photo: The CW)
Gossip Girl,
Monday, September 22, 2008
HATE IT! 90210 Starving for Attention

Will the desperate 90210 press gang do anything for some cover time? Even sell out the eating habits of two of their 'stars'?
The latest sensational US Weekly magazine exclaims that two of the actresses from the vapid 90210 are 'Too Thin For TV' -- gosh, the girlies don't eat, hunger pains are transforming them into total bitches on wheels and cast-mates are planning a meal-time intervention. Smells like the dying show is grasping for any crumb of publicity that it can gobble.
The best part? Hearing that 'Gossip Girl's' Penn Badgely was quoting as saying that he hoped the bone-rack actresses scarf down a loaded cheese burger. Hmm...that will shut them up for awhile!
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! Hobbit Day

Let's raise a tin of ale and scarf down a plate of elevenses in their honour!
Hobbits! They're just like us!
Just Plain Silly,
Sunday, September 21, 2008
RATE IT! Gossip Girl - Episode 4 Teaser Clip
For those who cannot wait until tomorrow for episode 4 of 'Gossip Girl'...here's a little taste of 'The Ex-Files':
Gossip Girl,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
HATE IT! Carrie Teen Chronicles

Looks like the creative well has run dry for 'Sex and the City' author, Candace Bushnell.
Apparently, Bushnell is currently working on a series of teen novels focusing on the high school years of Carrie Bradshaw.
The first installment is due in 2010.
Friday, September 19, 2008
RATE IT! Showing What They're Made Of!

Want proof that your fave stars are totally manufactured, and in some cases, plastic? Well, here it is...stars immortalized in Lego!
Posh & Becks, Amy Winehouse and Madonna!
But where's Amy's cigarettes and empty booze bottles?
Sadly, we cannot own these toys...Lego produced them to celebrate their 30 th anniversary and obviously, party favours for the public were not on the cards. Shame.
(originally reported on Kickette, and EntertainmentWise.com)
Just Plain Silly,
RATE IT! Emmy Awards

All the usual suspects will be in attendance...cast of 'House', all the annoying people from 'Grey's Anatomy'...probably a Desperate Housewife or four (or is it five?). And they'll all walk away with swag! Gift bags are still the rage in Hollywood and despite the fact these stars can afford their own Rock & Republic jeans, iPods and Valentino sunglasses, they'll be trucking home a plethora of free bounty.
Companies fork out thousands upon thousands of dollars to stock award show gift suites. Ridiculous - much? Providers of swag bag items crow that they make their money back and then some. They say when us regular folk spot our fave celebs wearing a certain hat or pair of sunglasses, we'll all stampede to our local shops and buy all the same gear. I don't...do you? Who are these people? 14 year olds with Mum's bank card?
Regardless of this inappropriate swag free for all, I'll still watch the show if only to make fun of the dresses and horrible acceptance speeches, and to see just how skinny Ellen Pompeo has become. It's free, it's entertaining and Hollywood can stick their glossy swag bags where the sun *does* shine.
RATE IT! Gossip Girl Bits & Bites

GG Creator Josh Schwartz was speaking with Maureen Ryan of the Chicago Tribune this week and let spill a few trade secrets. MINOR SPOILER type material coming up...so if you don't partake (and I generally do not), tread no further. Rest assured, I'm not putting up anything that won't rain on your parade and give you the secrets to the sophomore season.
Still with me? Okay...just minor stuff...Schwartz has hired actress Willa Holland to play a new snotty rich bitch gal pal of Jenny's. Willa was previously the horrid little sister to Mischa Barton's character on Schwartz's previous success, 'The O.C.'. Just what little J needs...more vapidness fluttering around her - brilliant!
Apparently, golden boy Dan will end up in jail with Chuck at some point...no further details given. Plus, Blair's mother will be getting a boyfriend -- and it's not the spiffy guy she met strolling in the park last season. Try actor Wallace Shawn -- remember him from 'The Princess Bride'? He must be loaded. Why else would haughty Mamma Waldorf date someone so...plain looking? (photo: The CW)
Gossip Girl,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
RATE IT! Ghost Town

But what didn't seem to look good...his new flick, 'Ghost Town.' The trailer leaves much to be desired. Every time we see Ricky, he's jumping up scared exclaiming...'AH!' - a bit one note...or is it?
Rotten Tomatoes, the movie website that hoards movie reviews from urban centres both near & far, actually has a positive overall rating for the film. It's holding steady at a healthy 80%. Just goes to show you how an iffy trailer can really give ticket buyers the wrong impression!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
RATE IT! Sweet Smell of Ratings Success

Ratings for the third episode, The Dark Night,' soared beyond the previous week's knock out hit...up to 3.7 million voyeurs from episode two's 3.2 mill. The 8pm success of GG boosted its successor, 'One Tree Hill' which helped garner the CW its highest rated Monday in its short history.
Looks like there's more people crashing the Blair-Chuck party! And why not? Everyone wants to hang with the beautiful, popular crowd. Sorry, 90210 - you weren't invited!
(photo: The CW)
Gossip Girl,
HATE IT! An Amy Poehler-less SNL

After weeks of anxiously awaiting their treatment of sassy Sarah Palin and the excessively wound-tight Hillary Clinton, viewers were treated to one of the funniest sketches we've witnessed in *years*. Tina Fey as Palin, along with the incomparable Amy Poehler as Clinton did not disappoint. Easily the highlight of the show, again the women displayed their comedic smarts and outshone the rest of the SNL ensemble.
The side-splitting opening was replayed everywhere, and TV pundits are *still* yammering about it. So why aren't major SNL aficionados yucking it up? The skit just proves how badly SNL needs Poehler. Amy's leaving the show for her mat leave following the November 4 US Presidential election, and there are strong rumours that it's a departure for good. Similarly with Fey, NBC execs want to create a sitcom around Amy's talent. With Fey long gone as a regular cast member, and only the excellent Kristen Wiig on board -- the show is shockingly short on females. Does this mean we'll be subjected to more McGruber and other unfunny sketches?? Geez, looks like a long unfunny season ahead.
(photo: Peter Kramer/AP Photo)
Saturday Night Live,
HATE IT! Owen Hargreaves Bio

Well, in the case of the recently released unauthorized bio of my favourite soccer player, Owen Hargreaves, it pains me to admit that the first *ever* bio on my man is a complete waste of precious time.
Owen has had an incredibly interesting life -- and for a 27 year old, that's saying something!! Born in Canada, moved to Germany on his own aged 16 to join the pro footie factory at Bayern Munich. He learned to speak German and eventually cracked the starting line-up at one of the most respected soccer organizations on the planet, and was invited to play internationally for Canada, Wales and England -- Owen chose England, the birthplace of his father. Just over a year ago, he made the leap to Manchester United, won the league and European Championships. So many achievements in less than ten years.
Yet this book manages to make Owen's adventures sound boring and predictable. The writing is dry, occasionally factually incorrect and completely pulled from interviews that can be found elsewhere. Owen and seemingly, no one who actually knows him, was interviewed. And don't get me started on the photo section!
If you're a fan, skip this book. Save your money and spend some time in Owen's official website and read articles there. You will learn much more about Hargreaves for free, and send a message to book publishers that fans won't buy such empty bios any more! It's too late to save my time & money, but hopefully I can save your's!
Manchester United,
Owen Hargreaves,
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
HATE IT! Zeta-Jones Who Bound?

Apparently, scribe Russell T. Davies who is in talks with the BBC about a potential theatrical version of the Doctor Who television series, thinks Catherine Zeta-Jones would be the ultimate companion for the time travelling doctor.
Isn't she a bit too polished, posh....um, old?! Dr. Who needs a side-kick that mucks it up and has tons of sass. Catherine is just too...contained...reserved and would be more like an older sister than a butt-kicking always hinted at but never confirmed love interest.
At least Davies is hoping to cast David Tennant, the current small screen doctor as the lead. If we're lucky, Mrs. Michael Douglas will be too busy with her ancient hubby and the role can be given to the rightful owner, Billie Piper.
(photo: AP)
Monday, September 15, 2008
RATE IT! Sneak Peek - Tonight's Gossip Girl
We're in for a treat tonight! Episode three of 'Gossip Girl', titled "The Dark Night" airs this evening. A blackout sweeps the Big Apple and our favourite Manhattanites get caught doing all sorts of nasties in the dark. Here's a sneak peek from tonight - enjoy!
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! List of the Day - More Cowbell!!

Remember the Saturday Night Live sketch with Christopher Walken and Will Ferrell - "NEEDS MORE COWBELL." If so, check out this funny post from List of the Day. Made *my* day!!
Click and Enjoy,
Saturday Night Live
Saturday, September 13, 2008
RATE IT! 90210 Self-Combusts

Well, looks like I'm not the only one! The second episode of the new 90210 is dropping viewers faster than John Mayer turfs celebrity girlfriends. Ratings fell by 30% in the States, and by an even greater margin in Canada -- 60%!
Will the bleed continue? While I do my happy dance at the prospect, may I invite you *again* to watch 'Gossip Girl' instead. Now there's some proper television with *actuall* attractive people and cunning storylines. 90210, so wannabee...so over!
(photo: Art Streiber/AP Photo)
HATE IT! Meg...What Gives?

Just a month ago...I was singing Ms. Ryan's praises. Why? Well, it appeared that we were reunited with Meg Ryan's face ~ that is, Meg Ryan's old face. I included a lovely photo of the actress at an award ceremony in Europe and all previous tell tale signs of her freaky plastic surgery past seemed to have vanished from her visage.
By all appearances, it had to be too good to be true.
Today I came across some new press photos from the premieres for her new movie, 'The Women.' Something's fishy - yep...looks like trout pout might be back! Granted, depending on the photo you examine, sometimes she doesn't look *too* bad...but when you get several odd shots that dispel the belief that she's taken a vacation from the botox, fillers and other ops, you can't help but think -- Meg! What *are* you doing to yourself??? (photo: Peter Kramer/AP Photo)
RATE IT! He's United!

Manchester United's new signing, Dimitar Berbatov, will have all of football's eyes on him as he steps onto the pitch in his debut match *for* United. How long have we waited for this day!?
An away game at Liverpool is always a special occasion on the United fan's calendar, but with Berba hopping aboard and a whole bunch of injured players returning, it's uber important! Welcome, Dimi!
(photo: Reuters)
Manchester United,
Friday, September 12, 2008
RATE IT! Gossip Girls Get Around

The actresses will portray old school mates of Liz Lemon, Tina Fey's character, during flashback sequences.
Looks like Tina's pulling out the stops on the guest star front. Jennifer Aniston just shot a guest pop and there are rumours that Oprah will also appear.
Oprah Schmroprah! We're only interested in our GG BFFs! Blake and Leighton's ep will be broadcast during the November ratings' sweeps.
(photo: Marion Curtis/AP Photo)
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! Dimi's Debut

Very exciting! And even all the more exciting for girlie fans as Dimi likes to practice in extremely short shorts! Who knew?!
United take on bitter rivals Liverpool tomorrow. Weee!
(photo: AFP/Getty Images)
Manchester United,
WANT IT! Safety Flyer Toiletries Bag

Stow all your bathroom lotions and potions in this easy to wipe clean hold-all. It's too large for the annoying carry-on liquids rule but it's the perfect solution for packing your necessities within your checked baggage. And you'll be well-versed in in-flight safety! Educational and helpful!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
WANT IT! Buttery Toast Wallet

Looking for a new home for your bread?
Ah, I sound *so* 1970's...you know, bread = cash in the disco era...get it? Okay, maybe not...but anyway, regardless this new buttered toast wallet is sure a treat!
Just Plain Silly,
WANT IT! Wallet Whimsey

Here are some too cute wallets for your spending pleasure. Get some more bang for your buck, and buy one of these gems. Take your pick...cheeky squirrels, grinning fairy cakes or babbling frogs. Life is sweet - spend it wisely!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
RATE IT! England WIN!!

Theo Walcott scored his first *ever* goal for England...then he scored another and then another. Frank Lampard had one stolen away, and John Terry just missed losing an eye prior to Croatia netting their only goal. And even blood was spilt...Joe Cole was gathumped in the head opening a sizable slice in his noggin that knocked him temporarily unconscious, and forced him out of the game. When all was said & done, England were victorious at 4-1. And for us, our nerves were shot!
We're exhausted but still have the energy and the spirit to toast our side. All hail ENGLAND! You made us proud, and 2010 is going to happen! No doubt, the bandwagon jumpers have all climbed back on once again! (photos: AP, Reuters, thesun.co.uk)
HATE IT! Nerf Weaponry

...until I spotted a different type of Nerf toy with worrisome labels -- grenades, triggers, blasters, ammunition! Our kid-friendly, safe playthings are now *weaponry*! Just when did Nerf get down and dirty, and ...ultra-violent?? What's next...a version of 'Operation' where the patient is awake?
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