Queue the continued media frenzy surrounding this over-rated twosome. Is nothing else of real substance going on in this world?
And the names for their new boy and girl...
Knox and Vivian.
Vivian...okay, that's pretty normal, but Knox??? Is that in 'Fort Knox'? I'm guessing baby pix of the kid will earn enough cash to fill Fort Knox. What an awkward, horrible name. Celebs, eh?
Congrats to Brangelina - still, doesn't make me rate them any higher. Now, will you please go away! (photo: Getty Images)
Well I'm still uninterested in them so didn't read the whole story, but I see a headline today saying their twins could make £5m for chairty. Now obviously this is great news, but how/why????????????
I think with Knox, they were probably trying to keep a sort of pattern going with their boys: MaddoX, PaX, KnoX. At least, I hope they were thinking of that. If not, yikes...
~ Emily (Giggsy's Gal) xo
This whole thing is just ob-KNOX-ous.
SORRY...I know that was a bad one but I couldn't help myself!
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