Sunday? Huh?! If you're going to use such a lame name for your kid, go with Sundae! Always sugary sweet and frozen...much like Nicole's face!
Named after a favourite song ('Lose That Girl') by one of my favourite bands (Saint Etienne), this blog serves as my online pop culture playground.
In the world of pop culture, if I love something, I'll rate it, and if I hate it...well, you will know that too! Lose That Girl - the rate it, hate it blog!
I'm so tired of celebrities naming their poor kids stupid-ass names. In fact, I'm tired of ANYONE naming their kid something dumb. The parents may think that they're being unique and edgy, but it's the poor child who has to suffer for the rest of his/her life: the teasing, the mean nicknames, the constant annoyance of having to correct, repeat and slowly spell his/her name. It's just mean...
~ Emily (Giggsy's Gal) xo
I was just thinking it was about time she had that baby! Of course, it's another odd name, but I have to say I have known a couple of women named Sunday and they were great so I will not complain. Apple, however, is a name not ever heard before celebrity weirdness!
Sunday? Not sure about that one.
Sundae however, gimmee!!!
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