Apparently the wacky programmers at the fourth network are in mid-production on a reality series that follows various small businesses as they go about laying off their employees. Called "Somebody's Gotta Go", each week a surprised worker bee will be granted their walking papers... on national television, in front of the world. If layoffs weren't bad enough....
As a layoff recipient myself -- it was just over a year ago and I'm so over it now, best thing for me in retrospect -- I can't fathom how this program will be successful with the viewing (and much laid off) public. It's not a funny situation. When the fickle wheel of layoff misfortune lands on you, the last thing you want is to have the experience broadcast for others to see. What, are Kleenex sponsoring this train wreck?
It's not surprising that Fox has come up with a pretty tasteless enterprise -- yet again. We can only hope that the "brains" behind this one get their pink slips before this program hits our screens next Autumn.
(photo: google image)
that's a terribly cruel idea! Who wants to watch that? Not me. Poor people...do they win something at the end? A new job? A new interview suit? Anything?
This is one of the worst ideas for a TV show ever. Seriously. Just awful!
Seriously? Wow. That's like a backwards Apprentice only that you have a job in the first place. I came up with a similar RTV show as a laugh in my media project but I didn't think it would happen. :S I'll try and find the notes and post them.
Today I found out we've got a reality show about people living with pigs...I think its inspiration was Big Brother.
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