So, it was quite surprising to see him venture out in the daylight in front of photographers with....Stephen Harper, our Canadian Prime Minister. I guess Harper wanted something fun to do while in London for the G20 Summit. Hanging out with a fellow Canuck, why not?
Can't say that I blame him. Meeting Owen would be my first stop in the UK too.
Nice to see Owen acknowledging his Canadian-ness, and I'm sure he and Stepherino chatted about their Alberta connection. My anti-Harper alert is going off, though. Owen needs to get to a scalding hot shower ASAP to disinfect himself from the evil and all-around asshattery that Harper radiates!!!! Do not allow yourself to be tainted, dear Owen! On the plus side, Harper looks like a dweeb in the photo, while Owen looks smokin' hot in that suit. Phhhwrrroarrr! :)
~ Emily (Giggsy's Gal) xoxo
Although, I must add that my dad saw Harper on Sky News this morning, and despite my family's dislike of our prime minister, my dad willingly admits that Harper sounded like he knew what he was talking about, he sounded very statesman-like, and presented himself and Canada very well. (About bloody time, if you ask me, but I'm glad that he came off positively).
So... there's my good deed done for the day.
~ Emily (Giggsy's Gal) xo
I don't mind Harper to be honest and find that he's usually quite presentable when he appears on the international stage.
Hey, if it took Stephen Harper to drag Owen out of the shadows, it's a good thing.
First Barack Obama, now Owen H., are there no limits to the schmoozing power of PM Harper?!
More importantly though, I want to know who has been sniffing around my bloke! "Anonymous" keep yer mitts off my Giggsy!
The Other Anonymous
The 'Other Anonymous', your initials wouldn't be AM, would they?
Sorry, but that is a baaad suit.
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